Hyperemesis Gravidarum is the cruel pregnancy condition that you’ve probably never heard of.
The definition is ‘severe nausea and vomiting in pregnancy’. People reading that might think that gives you a good understanding.
Only, it doesn’t.
It’s kind of like bad morning sickness. If, along with that, you had the worst hangover of your life, gastro, chronic malnourishment and dangerous hypotension all at once - while someone pickpockets your savings, traps you in your own home and tells you that ‘it will all get better in 12 weeks’.
Only, it doesn’t.
The medical team has you on a regime of regular IV fluids and nutrition, & some wonderful (albeit expensive) medication that gives enough of a reprieve to finally keep down sips of water. Unfortunately, it does little to alleviate the constant churning of your stomach and feeling like the world is spinning beneath your feet. They tell you it’s the last option you have to try and it should make you feel better.
Only, it doesn’t.
Sometimes though, these medications work wonders. But guess what? Some nosy know it all from your new mums group has googled some outdated literature (which has long been rendered invalid), and throws at you the guilt of ‘giving your baby birth defects’. Only, it doesn’t.
Your mum, your friends and even a total stranger at the chemist will tell you ‘try dry crackers first thing in the morning’ and ‘ginger! It cures it!’
Only it doesn’t.
You’re now worried that your maternity leave might be affected by all of the leave you’ve had to take while waiting to finally feel well enough to return to work. If you’re lucky, management finds a way to keep you employed.
Only for some, it doesn’t
All of this, while having the added stress of knowing that you’re growing new life.
The worry of wondering if you’re going to be a good enough mum.
All while feeling totally isolated from your support network and peers.
All while wondering if you could really ever feel connected to the little one inside you that’s making you feel this way. You think it will stay that way forever.
Only, it doesn’t.
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